Threat of extinction of sharks gathers delegates in WECAFC region for urgent talks

Threat of extinction of sharks gathers delegates in WECAFC region for urgent talks

(Food and Agriculture Organisation Press Release) More than 40 delegates from the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) Working Group...

CARICOM and the Glasgow UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26)

CARICOM and the Glasgow UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26)

“Science has made it clear that the Earth is fast approaching its tipping point of climate disaster and, as the...

Spouses of CARICOM Leaders Action Network Elects New Chairperson

Spouses of CARICOM Leaders Action Network Elects New Chairperson

(Spouses of CARICOM Leaders Action Network Press Release) The Spouses of CARICOM Leaders Action Network (SCLAN) held its quarterly meeting...

CDB successfully raised US$150 million on German capital market

CDB successfully raised US$150 million on German capital market

(Caribbean Development Bank Press Release) The Aa1/AA+ rated Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) successfully executed its second borrowing in the...

Jamaica PM Announces New Curfew Hours; Sunday No Longer A No-Movement Day

Jamaica PM Announces New Curfew Hours; Sunday No Longer A No-Movement Day

(Jamaica Information Service Press Release) Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, has announced new curfew hours, from 8:00 p.m....

CARICOM Climate Change Ministers demand climate justice in Declaration ahead of COP26

CARICOM Climate Change Ministers demand climate justice in Declaration ahead of COP26

As the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) readies itself for participation in the upcoming global Climate Change conference, COP 26,  it issued...

Happy 42nd Independence Anniversary SVG!

Happy 42nd Independence Anniversary SVG!

CARICOM SG applauds ‘strength of character’, as Vincentians celebrate 42nd Independence Anniversary CARICOM Secretary-General Dr Carla Barnett has congratulated the...

CARICOM Heads of Government engage Green Climate Fund

CARICOM Heads of Government engage Green Climate Fund

As the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) continued its preparations for the United Nations COP 26, Heads of Government met on Tuesday...

Region warned to be prepared for high flooding, landslides

Region warned to be prepared for high flooding, landslides

(Caribbean Loop News) The Barbados-based Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF) Tuesday warned Caribbean countries to be prepared for high flooding...

Anguilla Announces Winter Season Entry Protocols Effective 1 November 2021

Anguilla Announces Winter Season Entry Protocols Effective 1 November 2021

(Caribbean Tourism Organisation)  H.E The Governor and the Hon. Premier of Anguilla have outlined the updated entry protocol requirements for visitors...