Posts by CARICOM

CARICOM Secretariat using entrepreneurship training as restorative justice tool

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is giving new life to the Declaration of Paramaribo on the Future of Youth in CARICOM...

BREAKING NEWS: Montserrat Premier replaced as leader of ruling party ahead of general elections

(CMC) BRADES, Montserrat, Oct 9 – Less than 48 hours after he announced that voters would go to the polls...

ACP/EU – Partnership of Equals?

By Elizabeth Morgan Changes are coming to the European Union (EU) with its new Commission. I indicated in previous articles...

EU ACP-CTA, IICA Workshop to Promote Trade and Investment in Caribbean Agrotourism

The issue of strengthening the linkage between Agri-Food Sector and Tourism in the Caribbean Region will be the focus of...

Calypso to be taught in schools

(LoopTT) Education Minister Anthony Garcia and members of the Ministry of Education’s Strategic Executive Team met with the President and...

Guyana joins Caribbean-wide initiative to improve health and safety of travellers

(Kaieteur News) Improving health and safety for foreigners is high on Guyana’s agenda. As a result, the Guyana Tourism Authority...

Region to Host First Caribbean Congress on Adolescent and Youth Health

The Region will host its first Caribbean Congress on Adolescent and Youth Health in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on 15–17...

CDB, PAHO launch virtual course, providing everyone with psychological first aid skills after disaster

(CDB Press Release) – The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) has launched the virtual...

Guyana Elected Vice-Chair of WHO Executive Board

(Department of Public Information) Public Health Minister Volda Lawrence was (last) week elected Vice-Chair of the global World Health Organisation...

CARICOM Reparations Commission to Examine Connections Between Western Banking, Colonialism and Reparations

The CARICOM Reparations Commission (CRC) in collaboration with the Centre for Reparation Research (CRR) and the Antigua and Barbuda Reparations...