Posts by CARICOM

St. Vincent and the Grenadines: A technopole for plant based research in 21st Century

(News784) St. Vincent and the Grenadines has positioned itself on the world stage in the 21st Century in the areas...

Intellectual Property in focus

(CarIPI Press Release) High ranking officials of the Intellectual Property Offices of CARIFORUM States and the CARIFORUM Directorate met with...

ICT Association of Suriname aims to become core of digital economy

Anuskha Sonai (CEO of Spang Makandra) has been elected as the new chair of the ICT Association of Suriname. The...

Foreign Policy in CARICOM: pursuing national development benefits

By Elizabeth Morgan The recent visit of US Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, put the spotlight on US/CARICOM relations and...

Britain hands in Brexit documents as its EU lawmakers say ‘au revoir’

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Britain’s ambassador to the European Union handed documents formalizing Brexit to a senior EU official on Wednesday,...

New UN finance panel to push Global Goals forward

(United Nations News) The President of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday encouraged Member States to support a new panel...

Powerful 7.7 earthquake strikes in Caribbean between Cuba and Jamaica

(USA Today) A 7.7 magnitude earthquake has been reported in the Caribbean Sea between Jamaica and Cuba, the U.S. Geological...

Trinidad rocked by strong earthquake

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Jan 28, CMC – A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3 rocked several parts of...

DEVELOPING STORY: CARICOM Member States taking preventive measures against Coronavirus

As more countries around the world begin to report cases of the 2019-Novel Coronavirus Outbreak, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Member States...

CDEMA, UNOCHA host data, information management training in Barbados

(Barbados Today) In efforts to improve collaboration and coordination of information and data management among ministries and agencies before, during...