Posts by CARICOM

Regional Talks on Food Security Ahead of Global UN Summit

Food security, climate resilience, and financing will be the primary areas of focus when stakeholders from across the region convene...

Jamaica grants licence for third telecoms provider – CARICOM Business

The Cabinet of the Government of Jamaica has given its approval for a third telecommunications service provider, Rock Mobile, to...

CARICOM Secretariat wraps up pilot project involving Belize, Guyana High School teachers exchanging classes online

CARICOM Secretariat wraps up pilot project involving Belize, Guyana High School teachers exchanging classes online

The CARICOM Secretariat’s pilot project with High School teachers in Belize and Guyana teaching each other’s classes online finished on...

UN chief welcomes Gaza ceasefire announcement between Israel and Hamas

UN chief welcomes Gaza ceasefire announcement between Israel and Hamas

(United Nations News) The UN chief has welcomed the ceasefire declared between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas, following 11...

CARICOM SG participates in Post-Disaster Recovery Roundtable

CARICOM SG participates in Post-Disaster Recovery Roundtable

CARICOM Secretary-General Ambassador Irwin LaRocque on Thursday joined the former United States President Mr Bill Clinton, some CARICOM leaders and...

CARICOM Youth Excited About Single ICT Space

CARICOM Youth Excited About Single ICT Space

Concerned about digital inequities and lack of infrastructure standardisation As we continue our activities in observance of World Telecommunication and...

OECS Centre of Excellence in Information Management

OECS Centre of Excellence in Information Management

(Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Press Room) The OECS Commission is poised to be a Centre of Excellence of Information...

Guyana tops Caribbean at CSEC, CAPE

Guyana tops Caribbean at CSEC, CAPE

(Department of Public Information) Guyana has copped the top spots in the Caribbean at the 2020 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate...

UWI Open Campus certify early childhood practitioners in e-learning pedagogy

UWI Open Campus certify early childhood practitioners in e-learning pedagogy

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) now has a cohort of Early Childhood Educators with new skills to conduct online teaching of...

New Ambassador of Portugal to CARICOM accredited

New Ambassador of Portugal to CARICOM accredited

CARICOM Secretary-General Ambassador Irwin LaRocque accepted the Letter of Credence accrediting H.E. Carlos Nuno Almeida de Sousa Amaro as the...