Jamaica grants licence for third telecoms provider – CARICOM Business
The Cabinet of the Government of Jamaica has given its approval for a third telecommunications service provider, Rock Mobile, to be granted a licence to operate locally.
According to Technology Minister Daryl Vaz, the RFP for themnew provider is in keeping with the Government’s policy objectives to increase broadband access to unserved and underserved areas; promote competition, innovation and diversity in the telecoms industry; and ensure optimum return in the shortest possible time for the spectrum assigned. Vaz said that the 3rd mobile provider will be required to deploy its network in keeping with the coverage, quality of service, and implementation timing in the bid. This includes the provision of 95% population coverage at a specified minimum download data rate and 95% population coverage of communities classified as unserved or underserved at a specified minimum download data rate.
The company, is expected to achieve full rollout of the service within two years, with the service launch date to be no more than 12 months after the granting of the licence.
Extract from CARICOM BUSINESS Vol. 4 No. 20
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