CEBO Inspires Bajan Youth To Be Entrepreneurial

(Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS) The entrepreneurial flame has been ignited in several young people who participated in the Creativity Employment Business Opportunity (CEBO). From producing healthy “suckabubbies” to custom-made durags, participants put their all into creating businesses from virtually nothing.
At the recently held closing ceremony for CEBO, Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment, Adrian Forde, along with Director of the Human Development of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, Helen Royer, met participants face-to-face and got the opportunity to sample and purchase their products and services.
The initiative, organised by the CARICOM Secretariat, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, aimed to spark entrepreneurial interest and stimulate economic resilience among young people, as a means of combating youth unemployment, drug use, crime and violence.

Participants were exposed to the fundamentals of starting a business, the importance of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy, creating a business plan, marketing, public speaking, self-exploration, and critical thinking and other skills.
During the one-week intensive workshop, the young men and women in CEBO were challenged to put what they learnt to the test. They were split into groups and loaned seed capital to start a business with little resources.
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