CARICOM Competition Commission Launches Video Chat Series to Celebrate 15th Anniversary

The CARICOM Competition Commission (CCC) is celebrating its 15th anniversary, a significant milestone in its mission to promote fair competition and foster economic growth within the Caribbean region.
Established in 2008, the CARICOM Competition Commission has been steadfast in its commitment to ensuring fair competition practices and promoting inclusive economic development across the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Member States, for the benefit of consumers.
To commemorate this achievement, the CCC launched ‘CCC Conversations’, an engaging video chat series that provides insights through the eyes of international and regional experts into the world of competition policy and enforcement in the Caribbean.
The first episode features renowned expert, Dr. Eleanor Fox, a distinguished authority in competition policy whose expertise spans the globe. Dr. Fox’s extensive experience includes a particular focus on developing countries and explores the profound impact that opening markets can have on economic opportunity and inclusive development.
The second interview is with Ms. Terese Moreira, Head of Competition and Consumer Policies Branch of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). One of the key areas she covered was the pivotal role of regional competition authorities in facilitating regional integration movements.
For more information about the CCC and to watch episodes of ‘CCC Conversations’, please visit or the CCC’s social media platforms. Please stay tuned for further episodes.
About the CARICOM Competition Commission
The CARICOM Competition Commission, headquartered in Paramaribo, is a specialised institution of CARICOM dedicated to the promotion and protection of competition within the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME). Its primary goal is to create a level playing field for businesses while fostering economic growth and development in the CARICOM Member States.