Happy 44th Independence Anniversary St Vincent and the Grenadines – CARICOM

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has congratulated St Vincent and the Grenadines on its 44th Anniversary of Independence which it celebrates Friday 27 October 2023.
Secretary-General Dr Carla Barnett sent the following congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonsalves;
“Honourable Prime Minister:
On behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), I extend congratulations to the Government and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines as you acknowledge your country’s Forty-Fourth Anniversary of Independence.
The theme selected for your celebrations, “Our Fortitude, Our People, Our Identity”, affirms the unity, strength, resilience and pride of your people.
St Vincent and the Grenadines remains a firm advocate for principled decision-making on the global stage, to advance peace, progress, and stability. Further, the resourcefulness, creativity, and determination of the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines have allowed for admirable progress on several fronts and the nation continues to demonstrate laudable achievements, including in diplomacy, academia and culture.
Prime Minister, CARICOM has benefitted greatly from the commitment of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to regional integration. CARICOM joins St. Vincent and the Grenadines in celebrating its Forty-Fourth Anniversary of Independence and extends wishes for the continued prosperity, advancement and well-being of its people.”