CARICOM Congratulates Belize on its 42nd Independence Anniversary

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has congratulated Belize on its Forty-Second Anniversary of Independence which it celebrates on Thursday, 21 September 2023.
Secretary-General, Dr. Carla Barnett, in a congratulatory message to Prime Minister, the Hon. John A. Briceño, noted Belize’s strong voice in the fight against climate change and its advocacy for the protection of natural resources for future generations.
Please read her message below:
“Honourable Prime Minister
On behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), I extend warmest congratulations to the Government and People of Belize on your 42nd Anniversary of Independence. The theme “Hope Ignited, Hands United, Vision Renewed: Belize@42” captures the spirit of national pride, identity and camaraderie that has guided the country towards common goals over the past 42 years.
We commend Belize on its commitment to sustainable development, as you remain a strong voice in the Region in the fight against climate change and an advocate for the protection of natural resources for future generations. The recently received malaria-free recognition and certification from the World Health Organization is testament to Belize’s commitment to improve the lives of its citizens, particularly through public health promotion, which remains a priority for the Caribbean Community.
Honourable Prime Minister, on behalf of the Community, I express my gratitude for the invaluable contributions to the regional integration movement. Belize has been a dedicated Member of CARICOM, and its participation has been essential to the success of many key initiatives, including on matters pertaining to Justice and Governance, for which you have lead responsibility in the Quasi-Cabinet of the Conference of Heads of Government. Belize also continues to be a strong advocate for the Community’s strategic partnership with Central America.
Honourable Prime Minister, I look forward to continued cooperation between the Government of Belize and CARICOM towards a more prosperous and sustainable future for all our people, and extend wishes for the peace, prosperity and progress of the entire nation.”