Gender-related statistics training sessions to be held in Trinidad and Tobago

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat will join partners, UN-ECLAC’s Division for Gender Affairs and UN Women to host two gender-related training programmes in Trinidad and Tobago next week. The sessions will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port-of-Spain.
From 11-12 September, the CARICOM Secretariat and UN Women under the Regional Spotlight Initiative, will hold a Regional Sensitisation and Training Workshop on the CARICOM Agreed Minimum Standards for the Management of Violence Against Women and Girls Administrative Data.
The training workshop aims is to sensitise Member States on the CARICOM Minimum Standards, Ethical Guidelines and Protocols, including data sharing protocols that were developed under the Regional Spotlight Initiative.
The other activity – Gender Statistics and Indicators Training Course for CARICOM National Statistical Offices – will be held 13 – 15 September. Its goal is to strengthen the abilities of producers and users of statistics and indicators by incorporating a gender perspective and improving its use in the formulation, monitoring, and evaluation of public policies for women‘s autonomy.
Representatives of the media are invited to cover the following:
Event: Opening ceremony, Gender Statistics Training Workshops
Date: 11 September 2023
Venue: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Time: 9:00 a.m