CARICOM Competition Commission and Commonwealth Conference on Enforcement Practices and Emerging Trends in Consumer Protection

(CARICOM Competition Commission Press Release) The CARICOM Competition Commission (CCC) is pleased to announce a closing conference to its Online Consumer Protection Course for consumer protection officials and competition officials in the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), to be held virtually on 15th June 2023, at 11am ECT or 4pm UK.
The conference will feature expert speakers on Enforcement and Redress – Jason Freeman, UK Competition and Markets Authority, Sasha Gaye-Russell, Jamaica Consumer Affairs Commission, and include an overview of new proposals by the CARICOM Secretariat’s Ms. Cecila Melville for financial consumer protection. CCC’s Mr. Rommell Hippolyte will introduce the segment with a look at an assessment of consumer detriment.
Emerging Trends in the Digital Economy for consumer protection will be the main focus of the session with Professor Dr. Archana Gulati presenting on developments in India; Dr. Iris Benöhr of Queen Mary University on consumer credit and debt in the UK and EU; and Ms. Vashti Maharaj of the Commonwealth speaking to consumer issues in data protection and cybersecurity. CCC’s Ms. Nievia Ramsundar will support the segment with an overview of key legislative issues for the protection of the digital consumer.
During the online course, the estimated 100 participants from the CSME, Africa, South Pacific and Europe learned about the key building blocks for effective consumer protection to support the development of the region’s consumer protection framework, which is a core enabler to achieving a fully integrated regional economy.
The course is primarily facilitated by Dr. Iris Benöhr, who is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Law at Queen Mary University of London and the Deputy Director of the Institute for Competition and Consumers (ICC), with contributions from national consumer protection authorities within the region and the CCC.
The online course was conducted with the support of the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Connectivity Agenda Section, which provided funding to facilitate the course’s development.
Recognising that CCC celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, Justice Christopher Blackman, Chairman of the CCC said:
“Given the fast-paced developments in the digital world, the time is right to look at tools and measures small island developing states are required to take to ensure consumers are not unnecessarily disadvantaged through lack of effective consumer frameworks”.
Paolo Kautoke, Senior Director, of the Trade Oceans and Natural Resources Directorate, of the Commonwealth Secretariat said:
“Whilst there are many tangible benefits that are derived from digital markets within the global economy, it is of equal importance to establish clear consumer protection and enforcement frameworks that foster trust, confidence and safety in doing business online. This initiative aligns with one of the outcomes of the recently concluded Commonwealth Trade Minister’s Meeting where the importance of cooperation in promoting coherence in regulatory and policy frameworks governing digital trade and the digital economy was highlighted.”
The closing conference together with the first webinar held on May 3rd, 2023, will remain available on the course link and CCC YouTube channel so future course participants may benefit from the learning.
Persons interested in Emerging Trends in Consumer Protection are welcome to attend and learn from our dynamic speakers. Email or visit CCC Facebook or LinkedIn to register your attendance.