On World Oceans Day, CARICOM invites citizens, partners to join in celebrating, protecting our shared ocean

World Oceans Day is being observed today, 8 June 2023
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM), with its common vision of economic integration and cooperation, is committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development, especially in the face of climate change and its impacts on the ocean.
This year, the theme of World Oceans Day is “Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing”. This theme reflects the urgency and the opportunity to take action for the ocean, which is facing unprecedented threats from pollution, overfishing, acidification, warming and sea level rise. The theme also highlights the potential of the ocean to provide solutions for post-COVID recovery, particularly for some of the most pressing global challenges such as food security, renewable energy, biodiversity management and climate resilience.
As a region surrounded by ocean, CARICOM understands the importance of conserving and restoring the ocean and its resources. CARICOM has been actively involved in various initiatives and partnerships to support ocean governance and management, such as the Caribbean Sea Commission, the Caribbean Challenge Initiative, the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Project and the Caribbean Regional Oceanscape Project. CARICOM also supports the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), which aims to foster scientific research and innovation for a healthy and productive ocean.
The leadership of CARICOM Member States was also instrumental in recently securing a new global agreement for the conservation of biodiversity in international waters. Senior Environment Officials will meet on 19 June to discuss pressing environmental issues, including a way forward in implementing the new high seas biodiversity treaty. This will be followed by a meeting of Ministers with responsibility for the Environment later this month during the 108th Special Meeting of the Council of Trade and Economic Development – Environment and Sustainable Development (COTED).
On this World Oceans Day, CARICOM invites all its citizens and partners to join in celebrating and protecting our shared ocean. Together, we can make a difference for our planet and our future with every citizen, community group, organization and government pledging to reduce its use of destructive plastics and be agents for change and improving our relationship with the Caribbean Sea.