Sargassum: Local biologist says Guyana should explore potential

(NewsRoom Guyana) High concentrations of the Sargassum seaweed have washed up on the shores of Guyana and according to Maria Fraser, a local marine biologist, the authorities must explore its potential to improve soil and bio-fuel components.

During an interview with the News Room, Fraser, who is attached to the Ministry of Natural Resources said the University of Guyana or the Ministry of Agriculture should conduct experiments using the decayed sargassum to improve the soil for crops to grow.

“Guyana is a land of many resources.

“We need people to do a lot more research on this though.

“…Sargassum contains nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. These are NPK compounds that are needed for plants.

“Any lab here who has interest in the algae can take a few of it, dry it, process it and mix it with other soil types to see how best it can be used,” Fraser suggested.

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