Remarks by President of Suriname at opening of the 44th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting

Outgoing Chairman of CARICOM, His Excellency Chandrikapersad Santokhi, President of Suriname, virtually addressed the opening ceremony of the 44th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government, 15 February 2023, in The Bahamas.
Please read his remarks below:
- Colleague Heads of Government,
- Incoming Chairman of the Conference, Prime Minister Phillip Davis,
- Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community, Dr. Carla Barnett,
- Ministers and Senior Officials of Member States and of the Secretariat,
- Distinguished delegates,
- Members of the Media,
- Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good evening,
- At the outset, allow me to express sincere appreciation to you, colleagues, and all attendees, at this opening ceremony of the FORTY-FOURTH REGULAR MEETING of the Conference of the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community.
- It has been a pleasure to work with you all.
- Let me begin, by thanking Prime Minister Phillip Davis, his Government, and the Bahamas people, for hosting this Conference, and for their outstanding hospitality, to all delegates.
- My apologies for not being there physically, because of the budget negotiations in my parliament, which needs my attention.
- But I am here, virtually, to address you all.
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- As I hand over, the Chairmanship of CARICOM, in the able hands of my colleague, Prime Minister Phillip Davis of the Bahamas,
I also take this opportunity, to extend congratulations, to him, for assuming the Chairmanship, during these
six months.
- I am convinced, that with your experience, eminent capability, and commitment, you will undoubtedly, lead our deliberations and decision-making, in an excellent manner, on the many issues, facing CARICOM Member States.
- Taking our Community, a step further, on its way to strengthening, the integration process, and its position on global matters.
- Please be assured, of the full support and cooperation, of me, the Government and the people of Suriname, during your Chairmanship, my friend.
- It has also been a privilege, for me, to have served the Caribbean Community, in a leadership role, over the past six months.
- And more so, at a time, when we were dealing with many global challenges, including the aftermath, of the
COVID-19 Pandemic, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, affecting energy prices, global supply chains, and food security, as well as, with the challenges of Climate Change.
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- As we celebrate the 50th anniversary, of CARICOM, this year, we are reminded of the vision and goals, of the Founding Fathers,
Forbes Burnham, Errol Barrow, Eric Williams, and
Michael Manley,
premised on our programs, utilizing the resources of the Region, towards satisfying the needs of the Region, and competing internationally.
- Over the years, the Region has taken significant steps, in creating a solid integration movement.
- The Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas, which provided, among other things, for enhanced cooperation among Member States, bears testimony, to our resolve, to work collaboratively, towards one goal – sustainable development of the Region.
- This is particularly significant, with respect, to accelerating the progress, towards the CARICOM Single Market and Economy.
- We are carrying on, with our work, to facilitate business, between our countries.
- In that regard, the CARICOM INTERACTIVE MARKETPLACE SUSPENSION PROCEDURE, CIMSUPRO, portal was launched last year.
- CIMSUPRO, provides a platform, where entrepreneurs from CARICOM, can offer their products, from raw materials, to finished products.
- It also provides a strategic aim, towards improving the efficiency, of our regional suspension mechanism, directly aimed, towards encouraging production.
- More so, it seeks to develop, our Industrial Policy.
- Therefore, I encourage the private sector, to use this platform well.
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- As part of the integration process, and to facilitate, the free movement of skilled persons, in July last year, Heads of Government, agreed on the definitions of – skilled workers, household domestics, agricultural workers, and private security officers.
- In terms of agricultural workers, it could not be timelier, as we seek, to boost production, and reach our goal, of reducing the Region’s Food Import Bill, by 25%, by the year 2025.
- And by mentioning this fact, I extend my compliments, to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, the Lead Head in the CARICOM Quasi Cabinet for Agriculture, for spearheading this objective.
- As there is great potential, to expand the production of non-food items, that are most heavily imported, into the Community, the Conference decided, to add a
new portfolio of Industrial Policy, to the
CARICOM Quasi-Cabinet.
- Since Suriname, was assigned this portfolio, in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat, and specialized institutions, we have been working, to prepare a draft action plan.
- It has been proven, that export provides countries, with growth opportunities.
- Therefore, it is crucial to expand and diversify our production.
- In this respect, I call on member states, to participate actively in the process, of the Industrial Policy program, to develop the export potential, of the Non-Food Sector,
to contribute to the Community’s economic growth.
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- Regarding fostering CARICOM- Africa relations, I recall the convening of the first Africa- CARICOM Summit,
held in Bridgetown in 2022, under the theme
“One People, One Destiny; Uniting and Reimagining Our Future”.
- Separate, from our Region’s historical relations, with the African countries, it is incumbent, upon us, to strengthen ties, with one of the world’s, most dynamic and
fastest-growing regions.
- Within the framework, of South-South cooperation, I also recall the celebratory meeting, in Barbados, for the
50th anniversary of the CARICOM – Cuba relations.
- The G20, was another opportunity, for CARICOM, to bring its challenges and opportunities, to the international table.
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- There is no more significant threat, to our children, planet, and future generations, than climate change.
- Climate change, is a living reality.
- However, the outcomes of the major international climate change conferences, did not meet our expectations, and lacked the ambition, and action, so much needed, in our Community.
- However, emerging from COP27, was an agreement, to establish a Fund for Loss and Damages, a significant achievement, for Small Island and Low-lying Coastal Developing States, SIDS, such as our Member States.
- Climate change, desertification, water scarcity, and environmental degradation, are life and death realities.
- I believe, these issues remain pertinent, and should remain on our active agenda, as we move forward, to COP 28.
- At the Summit of the Americas, a meeting with US President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, resulted in establishing three Joint Committees,
to address cooperation on Finance, Food Security, and Energy Security.
- The attacks by Russia on Ukraine, have complicated the recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, and slowed down, a return to normalcy, in a post-Covid world.
- However, we have shown, that we will overcome the challenges, confronting us, with the determination and creativity, inherent to the Caribbean peoples.
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- As Lead Head, responsible for sports, please allow me, to express once again, appreciation to the following athletes, who have represented the Region exceptionally, at the regional and global levels.
- We pay tribute to:
- Three fastest women in the world, who all hail from Jamaica:
- in particular, Thompson-Herah, who finished in first place, to win the gold medal in the 100-meter dash at the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo;
- Ms. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, who is now, the only athlete ever, to hold five individual 100m world titles; and
- Three fastest women in the world, who all hail from Jamaica:
- Ms. Shericka Jackson, who led the way in the 200m.
- The entire Caribbean, is proud of the performance, of the Jamaican women, who brought home, so many medals, and were instrumental, in Jamaica, being third in overall medals won.
- Anderson Peters, from Grenada, for his second world title, in the javelin throw, and
- The excellent Ms. Shaunae Miller-Uibo, from the Bahamas, who brought home, a world title in the 400m.
- I congratulate all athletes, and the entire Region.
- Sports are a cornerstone, for developing a healthy population in the Caribbean, and because of your drive, the children in the CARIBBEAN, can dream of someday, becoming WORLD champions.
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- Our sister nation, Haiti, is in need of our concrete, and feasible assistance. We must support the Haitian people.
- Building on our discussions in de past year, I look forward to how and in what way this assistance can be provided.
- Democracy, free and fair elections, rule of law and certainly the protection of fundamental human rights are indeed at the core of the Caribbean civilization.
- We must foster and protect these also in the sister nation in need.
Distinguished colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- Allow me to conclude, with a note of thanks.
- First of all, I would like to express my gratitude, to the Bureau members – for the teamwork, and their invaluable support and advice, throughout.
- Furthermore, I express appreciation, to
the Secretary-General and her team, particularly the Secretariat, for all their work, in facilitating the work, and efficient running of my Chairmanship.
- My appreciation, also goes to the Minister, Staff, and members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation of Suriname, and the CARICOM desk, at the Office of the President.
- I thank you all, and may God bless you all.