(PANCAP) PANCAP joins the world in observance of World AIDS Day 2022 under the theme “EQUALIZE”. It is a call to action for individuals and collectives to address inequalities, so that everyone can have access to high-quality prevention, treatment and support services and that our laws and policies address stigma and exclusion that hinder access to health services.
The Caribbean continues to make progress. Here are some highlights:
1. 28% reduction in new HIV infections from 2010-2021
2. 50% reduction in AIDS related death from 2010-2021
3. 84% of people living with HIV know their status, 83% of those who know their status are on treatment and 87% of this who are on treatment are virally suppressed.
But there is a need to EQUALIZE as key population communities are disproportionately affected with a median HIV prevalence of 27.7% and 4.3% for transgender persons and men who have sex with men respectively in the Region. Further, key populations and their clients account for 68% of all new infections in 2021. To equalize it is important to continue to meaningfully engaged with these communities to ensure that strategies are tailored to reach them.
Let us recommit to ending AIDS by 2030!