CARICOM Tax Administrators Meet In Jamaica

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat along with Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Centre for Tax Policy and Administration are co-hosting a three-day regional meeting which commenced Tuesday in Kingston, Jamaica.
The Regional Meeting on Tax and Development Opportunities and Challenges in the Caribbean, which builds on the outcomes of the meetings of the CARICOM Council for Finance and Planning (COFAP) that took place on 3 July and 23 September 2022, has attracted participation from over 80 finance and tax professionals from jurisdictions across the Caribbean.
The keynote address at the opening was delivered by Jamaica’s Minister of Finance and the Public Service, The Hon. Nigel Clarke. Minister Clarke commended the CARICOM Secretariat for swiftly convening the regional meeting. He emphasised the importance of cooperation and collaboration among CARICOM States in navigating the changing international taxation landscape.
The discussions and deliberations during the Regional Meeting will address key tax and development opportunities and challenges facing Caribbean economies, how they relate to developments in the global tax landscape, and a vision for how the OECD can re-engage with the Caribbean to support tax policymakers and administrators. A Business Roundtable will allow for engagement with the business community in CARICOM on their perspectives about the challenges and opportunities arising from the changes in international tax rules.
The Regional Meeting will conclude on 24 November 2022 with a focused discussion on the scope for regional tax cooperation and collaboration.