Education quality, standard in focus later this month

(CARICOM Secretariat, Georgetown, Guyana) Progress on the implementation of the CARICOM Human Resource Development 2030 Strategy and key transformative initiatives for education quality and equality are among the issues the Region’s Ministers of Education will tackle when they meet next week in Georgetown, Guyana.
CARICOM Ministers of Education will hold their first face-to-face meeting in two years, in the 44th Meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD)-Education on 13-14 October, 2022.
In preparation, the Regional Coordinating Mechanism for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (RCM-TVET), and CARICOM education officials met on September 29-30 to fine tune the matters to take forward to the COHSOD. During that meeting, Director for Human Development at the CARICOM Secretariat, Mrs. Helen Royer expressed satisfaction that the education system has returned to face-to-face teaching and learning modality.
“We should all be breathing a sigh of relief that we are now in a better position to address the learning loss from the unprecedented disruptions created by the pandemic,” Mrs. Royer said.
Emphasizing the importance of securing the education system against social and natural shocks, she said developing the human resources in the region is “a crucial enabler of sustainable economic development.”
She anticipated that the discussions among the regional education officials would enhance education development and contribute effectively to implementing the CARICOM Human Resource Development (CHRD) 2030 Strategy while working to meet the set targets for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
“We have made some strides, but we have much to do if we are to remain on course, considering the negative impact and setback we experienced as a result of C0VID -19.” Mrs. Royer stated.
The officials meeting covered issues in the basic education and life-long learning sectors including regional targets and baselines for the phased implementation of the CARICOM HRD 2030 Strategy, a conceptual framework for the Caribbean New School Model, guidelines for the Basic Education Quality Management Framework, the implementation of the CARICOM Standards for the Teaching Professional, approval for the CARICOM Vocational Qualification Standards (CVQs), and revision of the Revised Regional Vocational Qualifications Framework (RVQF and proposals for a CARICOM Early Childhood Development Association.