CARICOM Negotiators To Ramp Up Efforts To Pursue CARICOM Roadmap For CoP 27

(Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Press Release) The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC), in collaboration with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, with funding from the European Climate Foundation (ECF) and the Government of the United Kingdom (UK), wrapped up its first preparatory meeting for Caribbean negotiators in Miami on April 28, 2022.
The key purposes of the meeting included: (i) reflecting on the outcomes of CoP 26, (ii) strategising for CoP 27 and (iii) seeking approaches to mitigate climate impacts on the Caribbean region in light of the latest Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Groups II and III Reports.

The meeting, which was held using a hybrid approach with participants in-person and on-line, was well attended by representatives of CARICOM Member states and saw presentations from the CARICOM Secretariat, the CCCCC, technical personnel, co-authors of the IPCC reports, academia, civil society, Caribbean Development Bank, and the CARICOM negotiators. Some of the main outcomes of the meeting included the following:
- Despite the depressing findings of the IPCC WGIII Report that indicates the earth is on a trajectory to surpass the 1.50C this decade and other global events, every effort must be made, inclusive of advocacy at all levels, to ensure that the climate crisis remains front and center on the multilateral agenda
- The endorsement of a 10 step Caribbean Regional Roadmap for Mitigation Ambition informed by the science
- A call to forge partnerships (including with civil society) to advance locally-led adaptation and technology transfers
- A commitment to pursue research that will help the region understand the cost of climate change on sectors and economies
- The need to elaborate a regional climate finance strategy, inclusive of developing multi-country proposals and dedicated proposal development capabilities
- The emphasis that the region should work to address/remove implementation impediments
- A commitment to fully articulate what will “success” look like and the need to strategize beyond COP27
The meeting concluded with the negotiators urging the need to ramp up efforts to pursue the CARICOM Roadmap for COP 27 agreed upon at the last Heads of Government meeting, which was held in Belize from March 1-2, 2022.
Peruse the Ambergris Caye Declaration on COP26 Outcomes and CARICOM Expectations in The Lead Up to COP27: “A Pathway From Ambition To Action” here.