CARICOM gets Barbados award

The Government of Barbados on Thursday awarded the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) during its National Humanitarian Awards awards ceremony held at the Kensington Oval.
Thursday was National Heroes Day in Barbados.
The Community received the Humanitarian Award for its “negotiating strength as a Region to broker the deal for the (COVID-19) vaccines; for its advocacy and wise council”.
Ambassador Wayne McCook, Assistant Secretary-General, CARICOM Single Market and Trade accepted the award on the Community’s behalf.
Community Institution, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) also received an award.
Congratulations @CARPHA1!
A CARICOM Institution, CARPHA’s mission is to provide strategic direction, in analysing, defining & responding to public health priorities of Member States & Associate Members, to prevent disease, promote health & to respond to public health emergencies— CARICOM Secretariat (@CARICOMorg) April 29, 2022
The WHO’s Director General, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, travelled from Geneva to recognise the humanitarian efforts of all the honourees.