CARICOM forging ahead with reparations agenda

The CARICOM Reparations Commission met recently in Barbados to plan for the next phase of advocacy for reparatory justice for Native Genocide and Slavery.
The regional body will scale up alliances and partnerships with African civil society organisations, the National African American Reparations Commission; work collaboratively with the newly established United Nations Permanent Forum of People of African Descent; hold a series of public education events and seek to advance the claim through intergovernmental bodies, especially the United Nations (UN), the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the European Union (EU).
Photo Caption:
Seated (from left) Dr. Niambi Hall Campbel-Dean, The Bahamas; Professor Verene Shepherd, Centre for Reparations Research; Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, CRC Chairman, The UWI; Dr. Hilary Brown, CARICOM Secretariat; Ms. Laleta Davis Mattis, Jamaica
Standing (from left) Ambassador David Comissiong, Barbados; The Hon. Trevor Prescod, Barbados; Ambassador Arley Gill, Grenada; Mr. Dorbrene O’Marde, Antigua and Barbuda; Mr. Earl Bousquet, Saint Lucia; Mr. Eric Phillips, Guyana; Ms. Carla Astaphan, St. Kitts and Nevis