Netflix Joins IDB to Promote Skills-Learning, Growth of Region’s Entertainment Industry
Streaming entertainment service partners with Bank to promote the development of 21st century skills, including in the digital and creative economy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
(Inter-American Development Bank Press Release) Netflix has joined the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB’s) 21st Century Skills Coalition in Latin America and the Caribbean, leveraging its expertise to help address skills shortages in the region’s entertainment industry and to develop new opportunities to improve education and increase job creation and growth.
The 21st Century Skills Coalition is a multi-sector partnership that supports a new generation of education and training policies in the IDB’s 26 borrowing member countries. Bringing together the public and private sectors, the Coalition’s work supports the development of transversal skills that are critical for success in the rapidly changing 21st-century labour market.
Netflix will be sharing its broad experience and expertise, collaborating with the Bank to generate knowledge and better identify the competencies required to boost the region’s creative industries, or “orange economy.” The organisations will also support development of skills in film and entertainment.
Read more at: Inter-American Development Bank