Antigua and Barbuda says No Vaccination: No Tourist interface – CARICOM Business
In the absence of a common protocol for cruise vessels within CARICOM, Antigua and Barbuda has instituted a system whereby all workers and officials who are likely to have contact with the disembarking passengers who come ashore are required to be fully vaccinated.
The first cruise vessel scheduled to bring more than 100 passengers to Antigua’s Heritage Quay Port will arrive in the morning of Tuesday, July 20, 2021. The crew on board will be 100% vaccinated, and 90% of the passengers will be fully vaccinated. Further, 55% of taxi drivers are vaccinated fully; 72% of vendors are fully vaccinated; 72% of the merchants and their staff are fully vaccinated; and 60% of Tour Operators and staff are fully vaccinated.
Rapid testing will be available to the unvaccinated at their expense.
Extract from CARICOM BUSINESS Vol 4 No 27
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