Uber commences operations in Jamaica – CARICOM Business

Already present in over 10,000 cities worldwide, the Uber app has debuted in Jamaica’s Kingston and St Catherine.
The Uber app is available in Jamaica through a “vehicle-with driver” lease agreement. The app serves as a contact portal between two parties: a lessor partner and a user, who will agree to sign a private lease contract every time they want to get around the city. Under this model, both the lessor partner and the user enter a private agreement that entails strict fulfillment of the rules.
Also, a lessor partner checklist ensures compliance with health safety measures; lease verification using PIN code confirmation; and RideCheck, a mechanism that detects and reports abnormal or unexpected stops during the lease. Guardian Insurance, one of Jamaica’s prominent insurance companies, covers all leases.
Extract from CARICOM BUSINESS Vol. 4 No. 24
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