CCCCC, UNFCCC Secretariat Deepen Climate Change Cooperation

(Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Press Release) The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) and the United Nations Framework on the Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have signed a Memorandum of Understand (MoU) to mark a new chapter in their collaboration in improving climate resilience in the Caribbean.
The virtual ceremony took place on March 15th and was witnessed by a small delegation representing senior management of both institutions.
Director of Mitigation Division at the UNFCCC Secretariat, Mr. James Grabert delivered opening remarks, in which he noted the excitement of the UNFCCC to strengthen its existing partnership with the CCCCC on climate change actions. Citing the double challenges of the coronavirus and climate change on small islands, he acknowledged the tireless efforts of the CCCCC in steering climate change actions in the Caribbean region, while noting the importance of expanding collaboration in the areas of capacity building, technical assistance, networking and resource mobilisation.
Speaking at the event was Mr. Ovais Sarmad, Deputy Executive Secretary at the UNFCCC and Dr. Colin Young, Executive Director of the CCCCC.
Mr. Ovais Sarmad thanked Dr. Young for recognising the need to create a low-carbon future and said, “It is increasingly apparent that the emergence of Covid-19 affects the availability, mobility, and execution of climate change action in multiple ways. We are delighted to forge a deeper collaboration with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Center at this crucial time. Working together is critically important as we transition to implementation of the Paris Agreement and look for low-carbon solutions to power recovery as the world begins to rebuild.”
The MoU brings new opportunities for information sharing and cooperation in key areas.
It aims to assist Member States in updating and implementing their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), increase collaboration on capacity building and facilitate effective knowledge and data exchange.
Under the MoU, the partners will jointly conduct outreach in the Caribbean region.
The partnership arrangements will be actioned through the Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) for the Caribbean which is based in St George’s, Grenada. Noting the long track record of partnership with the UNFCCC and its Secretariat, Head of the CCCCC, Dr. Colin Young, agreed that the MoU is undoubtedly “another step to address the existential threat posed by climate change and to enhance the Caribbean’s resilience to existing and future extreme and slow onset events caused by climate change.”
This is especially important, Dr. Young reflected, “as we transition into the implementation phase of the Paris Agreement, we acknowledge that the Secretariat and its RCC have the mandate from the COP and the technical capacity to provide advice and support to the region; similarly, the Centre has the political mandate, the technical capacity and the regional and national networks to implement and execute the activities required by its Member States to improve climate change resilience in the Region.
The MoU provides the formal framework to continue our work together to advance both of our mandates. We look forward to working closely with the UNFCCC Secretariat to implement the MOU.”
For the two institutions, the MoU will also “cement the recognition of and respect for each other’s capabilities, identity and mission, and signals the opportunity for the Parties to commit themselves to cooperating on the basis of exchange of relevant information, expertise and viewpoints in order to realise potential synergies.”
The ceremony was moderated by Ambassador Carlos Fuller, Permanent Representative Designate to the United Nations, former colleague of the CCCCC and former Chair of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice.
About the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre is an inter-governmental Caribbean Community (CARICOM) institution that is mandated by the CARICOM Heads of Government to coordinate the Region’s response to climate change. We maintain the Caribbean’s most extensive repository of information and data on climate change specific to the region, which in part enables us to provide climate change-related policy advice and guidelines to CARICOM Member States. In this role, the Centre is recognised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the United Nations Environment Programme, and other international agencies as the focal point for climate change issues in the Caribbean. The Centre is also one of the few institutions recognised as a Centre of Excellence by United Nations Institute for Training and Research. CCCCC is empowering the Caribbean Community to act on climate change.