Celebrating World Meteorological Day 2021 – “The Ocean, Our Climate and Weather”

Port of Spain – 23 March 2021: The Caribbean Meteorological Organization (CMO) joins in the global celebration of World Meteorological Day 2021, which is devoted to the theme, “The Ocean, Our Climate and Weather”.
This year’s theme honours the start of the United Nations
Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).
In recognition of the paramount role of oceans in the sustainable development of Small Island Developing States, the CMO Headquarters Unit and the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), together with South Pacific Island colleagues, have co-authored an article,
entitled, Oceanic Science for Services in Small-Island Developing States.
The article will be
published on 23 March 2021 in a special issue of the WMO Bulletin
Highlighted in the article are the contributions of the Organs of the CMO and the National Meteorological and Hydrometeorological Services to the “science for sustainable development” value chain, which offers many tangible benefits to safety at sea, disaster risk reduction, climate
change adaptation, sustainable marine ecosystem management and related economic sectors such as tourism, fisheries, transportation, and mineral resource recovery.
Through the efforts of its various Organs, the CMO is making a tangible contribution to the goals of the UN Decade of Ocean Science, by ensuring a safe and well-predicted ocean, through:
accurate and timely observations; research that improves the prediction of hazards such as hurricanes; capacity development and training in marine science and service delivery; development of products and services tailored for the maritime sector; cooperating with other regional stakeholders engaged in the coastal and marine environment.