Professor Rupika Delgoda, Dr. Floyd Morris named among 2021 Anthony N Sabga Caribbean Awards Excellence Laureates

(The University of the West Indies) The University of the West Indies, Mona congratulates Professor Rupika Delgoda and Dr. Floyd Morris who are named the Anthony N Sabga Caribbean Awards Excellence Laureates for 2021. Dr Morris was recognised for excellence in Public & Civic Contributions and; Prof Delgoda for Excellence in Science &Technology.
Professor Rupika Delgoda
Professor Rupika Delgoda is the current Director of the Natural Products Institute (NPI) in the Faculty of Science and Technology at UWI, Mona. Her research examines the medicinal potential and safety profile of local biodiversity. She has had remarkable success in developing local scientific capacity, publications, and acclaim for her work.
Under her leadership and strategic direction, the NPI grew from a concept to a full-ledged dedicated research institution with graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and full-time researchers. Her vision and assiduous work played an instrumental role in the establishment and expansion of NPI’s laboratory facilities and she has steered it to become a highly successful collaborative research entity dedicated to the development of natural products.
Read more at: The University of the West Indies