Actor of Trinidadian and Grenadian parents stars in Netflix’ Firefly Lane

(LoopTT) If you have seen Firefly Lane on Netflix, chances are you would have seen Brandon Jay Mclaren in action.
The 40-year-old actor was born in Canada to a Grenadian father and Trinidadian mother.
Mclaren plays Travis on the new Netflix series which was the number one trending show in Trinidad and Tobago and across the world. The series is based on the bestselling novel by Kristin Hannah.
Mclaren’s character is not featured in the novel but was written in the Netflix series.
As Travis, Mclaren plays an earnest love interest to Sarah Chalke (Scrubs) one of the stars of the series along with Katherine Heigl (Gray’s Anatomy).
This is his first Netflix series and has garnered him a lot of attention.
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