Jamaica now at 3,183 Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

On Monday, the Ministry of Health & Wellness in Jamaica confirmed one new COVID-19 related death. The deceased is an 83-year-old female, who was suffered from hypertension and diabetes. She was from a Manchester address. The total number of deaths from COVID-19 is now 34. (1.1%). Three additional cases were coincidental death of COVID-19 positive individuals, and five more deaths in COVID-19 positive individuals are under investigation.
In the meantime, in the last 24 hours, there were 80 new confirmed COVID-19 cases for Jamaica. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Jamaica is now 3,183.
Of the newly confirmed cases, there are 47 females and 32 males, with one sex classification still being investigated. Their ages range from six months to 87 years. The cases were recorded in St. Catherine (25), Kingston and St. Andrew (32), St. Thomas (11), St. Mary (3), Portland (6), Manchester (2) and Westmorland (1). All of the 80 new cases are under investigation.
There are 2096 (65.8 %) active cases being monitored, even as 16 more patients have recovered and have been released from care, bring the total recoveries to 974 (30.6 % recovery rate). Some 2.2% (71) of the cases recorded in Jamaica have returned to their countries of origin.
Jamaica now has 459 imported cases, 675 cases are contacts of confirmed cases, 236 cases are related to the workplace cluster in St. Catherine, 243 are local transmissions (not epidemiologically linked), and 1,570 cases are under investigation.
Some 1,746 (55 %) of the confirmed cases are females and 1,433 (45%) males. The sex classification of four cases are being investigated. The ages of all confirmed cases range from 13 days to 97 years.
Jamaicans must consistently observe all the infection prevention and control measures to guard against the further spread of COVID-19, as the country is now in the community transmission phase of the pandemic.
These measures include the frequent washing of hands with soap and water; maintaining the prescribed six-feet physical distance from others; and wearing a mask when in public. Visitors and returning residents must also comply with the quarantine orders.