Caribbean Voices in Virtual Island Summit 2020

(Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) The 2020 Virtual Island Summit – 7-13 September – will see several Caribbean leaders adding their voices to global calls for post-pandemic economic recovery and sustainable tourism, energy, and transport, among many other island concerns. Caribbean leaders include the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, the Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Director General of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States and the Barbados Ambassador to the United Nations, to mention a few.
Energy Planning
The CCREEE will add to these voices through discussions focused on sustainable energy. Specifically, the Centre’s Executive Director – Dr Gary Jackson – will participate in a panel discussion focused on integrated resource plans. In this context, Dr Jackson will speak to the importance of clean energy planning and development in small island states, a fitting subject considering the CCREEE’s undertaking of three integrated resource and resilience plans (IRRPs) for Caribbean states, with an additional two states to commence in 2021. In the island context, it necessary not only for energy plans to include clean energy but also to account for the vulnerabilities which are common to islands.
Read more at: Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency