Cuba Begins Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccine

(The Caribbean Council) Cuba has begun clinical trials of a potential coronavirus vaccine known as Soberana 01.
Granma, the official voice of Cuba’s Communist Party, reported in late August that the country’s overall biotech and pharmamanagement group BioCubaFarma has received permission from the country’s regulatory authorities to begin clinical trials of the candidate vaccine. The group said that it was ‘capable of producing a strong immune reaction to a SARS-COV-2 infection’ (COVID-19).
BioCubaFarma separately reported that an industrial production strategy is being developed to build capacity with the goal of ‘having available the millions of doses needed to protect our population’ once the studies are concluded.
BioCubaFarma said that, working together, Cuban institutes and universities had ‘satisfactorily concluded the drug’s development stage and pre-clinical studies on animals, producing the scientific findings required to support authorisation, by Cuba’s Centre for State Control of Medications, Medical Equipment and Devices (Cecmed), to conduct clinical trials’.
Read more at: Caribbean Council