COVID-19 Update Jamaica: Eight More Recoveries, Eight New Cases

Eight more COVID-19 patients have recovered and have been released from isolation, bringing the total recoveries to 599 (80.4% Recovery rate). At the same time, eight new imported/import-related cases have been recorded on Tuesdays. Jamaica now has on record 745 COVID-19 cases.
The new cases consist of five males and three females with ages ranging from 20 to 52 years. Six cases have been classified as imported, having arrived on flights from the USA recently. Those have addresses of residence in St. Catherine (2), St. James (2), Westmoreland (1) and St. Ann (1). The other two cases are contacts of imported cases (import-related), residing in St. Catherine (1) and St. James (1).
There are now 121 (16.2%) active cases under observation in Jamaica, while 15 (2%) cases were repatriated to their country of origin. There is no moderately ill or critically ill patient at this time.
A total of 6,906 persons-of-interest are in home quarantine, while eight are quarantined at government facilities.
Jamaica now has 227 imported cases; 236 cases that are contacts of confirmed cases; 39 local transmission cases not epidemiologically linked; 236 related to the workplace cluster in St. Catherine and seven under investigation.
Females account for 56% (419) of all confirmed cases and the remaining 44% (326) are males. The ages of all confirmed cases range from 2 months to 87 years.