BVI Ramps up COVID-19 testing

The British Virgin Islands Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) is now offering COVID-19 testing to more persons in the community.
Director of Primary Health Care, Dr. Natasha Frett said over the past months COVID-19 testing focused on identifying those persons that were infected with the disease, their close contacts and persons at risk.
“Identifying these persons and enforcing quarantine measures helped to stop transmission of the disease. The curfew restrictions also aided in controlling the movement of people and prevention of further transmission,” Dr. Natasha Frett explained.
Dr. Frett stated that presently there are no known active cases, but that the relaxation of the curfew measures, repatriation of BVIslanders and the re-opening of business and services and increased movement of persons in the community has created the opportunity for transmission.
“It is important that we remain vigilant in practicing and enforcing the protective strategies put in place,” the director said, adding, “At BVIHSA, we acknowledge the rippling effects that this ‘new normal’ has dictated in reshaping how we live. Therefore, we are extending COVID testing to include: Persons needing a test for elective procedures and travel.”
Persons desirous of taking the test are asked to call the MEDICAL HOTLINE at 852-7650 or email, a minimum of ten (10) days prior to when the result is needed. This, according to Dr. Frett, is to ensure that persons receive a scheduled appointment and their results in a timely fashion.
Persons will be charged a fee for this service.
The BVI Health Services Authority is committed to delivering excellent, compassionate, client-centered healthcare across the Territory.