Curfew lifted as Government continues to ease COVID-19 restrictions, Montserrat

As of Wednesday July 1, 2020 at 5:00 a.m. the curfew which was implemented as part of COVID-19 suppression measures by the Government of Montserrat, was lifted.
This is outlined in the ‘Public Health (COVID-19 Suppression) (No.3) (Amendment) Order, S.R.O. 39 of 2020’ which makes modifications to the S.R.O. 36 of 2020 implemented on Monday June 8, 2020.
The lifting of the curfew also means that the restrictions on the freedom to move and operate will no longer be implemented. Therefore businesses are allowed to operate based on their own established times. However, all social distancing, sanitisation and other precautionary measures guiding the operations of businesses and religious establishments remain in place.
Permits which were previously provided to allow persons to be in a public place to offer an essential service during the curfew period, has also been removed and is therefore no longer applicable.
Additionally, members of the public are reminded that the maximum number of persons allowed to gather in a public place is 10.
‘Public Health (COVID-19 Suppression) (No.3) (Amendment) Order, S.R.O. 39 of 2020’ will expire on Wednesday July 8 at 5:00a.m.