Barbados reopening in earnest

Barbados Prime Minister Hon. Mia Mottley last night announced significant easing of Covid-19 related restrictions, including the reopening of businesses from Monday 15 June.
The Prime Minister, in her national address, announced that:
- All businesses, except day care centres, can reopen from Monday, June 15. Day care centres can reopen from 22 June after appropriate training from the Ministry of Health;
- Parks and beaches will no longer have restrictions on hours;
- Public Service Vehicles and buses will operate at full sitting capacity and half of any stipulated standing capacity. All passengers must wear masks for their entire journey;
- Sporting activity will be permitted, with arrangements to be put in place for limited spectators, who will have to adhere to strict physical distancing and wearing of masks;
- Social events, for example dinners, weddings, receptions, banquets and parties will be permitted. However, events with more than 250 persons will need to consult with the Ministry of Health and Wellness for guidelines of operation;
- Gyms can reopen but they must have the capacity to deal with physical distancing.
- However, the Prime Minister pointed out that some restrictions will remain in place for the time being.
- These include restrictions on visits to hospitals, prisons, and senior citizens homes, to reduce the potential for any negative impact on the most vulnerable.
Prime Minister Mottley also used last night’s occasion to release the song “This is who we are” which she commissioned to help Barbadians through the COVID-19 pandemic.