COVID-19 Update Montserrat

Published: June 7, 2020
As the Government continues to gradually reopen the economy on Montserrat, several COVID-19 suppression measures previously imposed are being relaxed; however precautionary measures or practices must be followed.
Highlights from Premier’s Radio Address
As of Monday June 8 at 5:00a.m. the S.R.O. 36 of 2020 Public Health (COVID-19 Suppression) (No.3) Order, 2020 will come into force, providing for a change in the curfew period and an increase in the maximum number of persons allowed to gather, among other regulations.
From June 8 to Wednesday July 1 at 5:00a.m., the island will be under a 7-hour curfew, from 10:00p.m. to 5:00a.m. daily. During this three-week period the maximum number of persons allowed to gather is 10.
Additionally, as of June 15 restaurants or cook-shops will be allowed to offer dine-in services. However, as part of efforts to ensure that the social distancing requirements will be maintained while persons dine-in, the owners must submit a plan that sets out the seating policy, table spacing policy and the sanitisation plan of the business to the Minister of Health for approval. All other previously imposed social distancing and sanitisation requirements for order delivery and food collection services, must be adhered to.
Bars are allowed to operate from June 8, but must only offer a take-away service. Then from June 15 customers are allowed to sit in the bar or rum shop, however the owner of the bar or rum shop must submit a plan that sets out the seating policy, table spacing policy and the sanitisation plan of the business to the Minister for approval, prior to June 15. Staff and customers must also practice social distancing while at the business place.
As it relates to the operations of beauty salons, spas and barber shops, social distancing and sanitisation requirements must still be maintained and appointments must be made in advance.
The 30 person limit which previously applied to the operations of religious establishments are no longer applicable as of June 8. However, additional precautionary measures must be implemented and managed by Church leaders. The minister or other church leader shall ensure that—
(a) persons wear face coverings;
(b) as far as reasonably possibly members of the same household sit together;
(c) persons who are not members of the same household sit three feet apart;
(d) a person with an underlying condition shall not attend a church service or funeral service;
(e) a person is assigned to sanitize the washroom or toilet after every use; and
(f) distance markers are placed to designate seating arrangements.
The Order also provides guidelines for the Pastor, Minister of other church leader during the delivery of the service. The guidelines are as follows:
A pastor, minister or other church leader—
(a) may stand, if it is possible, twelve feet away from any person while conducting a church service or funeral service; and
(b) shall stand no less than six feet away from any person while conducting a church service or funeral service;
(c) shall wear a face covering if he stands less than twelve feet away from any person while conducting a church service or funeral service; and
(d) is not required to wear a face covering, if he stands twelve feet away from any person while conducting a church service or funeral service.
As it pertains to the islands borders, S.R.O 36 of 2020 makes provisions for the John A. Osborne Airport, the Little Bay Port or the Plymouth Port to be used for the arrival of:
(a) Montserratians;
(b) Individuals who hold a permit of permanent residence;
(c) a person who is ordinarily resident in Montserrat;
(d) a member of the crew of an aircraft or ship (including freight, cargo or courier craft or vessel;
(e) husband, wife, child or other dependant of a Montserratian or permanent resident;
(f) non-resident technician, once permission has been granted for the person to disembark in Montserrat prior to travelling to Montserrat;
(g) any other person, as may be determined by the Minister for the purpose of the suppression of COVID-19.
All persons arriving in Montserrat must self-quarantine for 14 days commencing on the date of arrival in Montserrat. The only exception to this is for a non-resident technician, who is only allowed to travel to and from the place where he is undertaking work as a non-resident technician; wear a mask at all times; practice social distancing while at the place where he is undertaking work; and remain at his place of occupancy at all times except when travelling to and from the place where he is undertaking work as a non-resident technician.
With regards to closures, the following are not allowed to operate:
1. A nightclub, nightspot or other similar business;
2. A gym, sports club or other similar entity.
3. All schools must remain closed, except for those granted permission by the Minister of Health to operate.
Permission to operate and plans for approval for restaurants and bars must be submitted to and
The Order makes provisions for the Minister of Health to order any business to close for failure to comply with the recommended guidelines.
The full S.RO. 36 of 2020 can be read at the following link:
S R O 36 of 2020 – Public Health (Covid-19 Suppression) (No.3) Order 2020