PRESS STATEMENT: Departure of CARICOM Election Observation Mission to Suriname

The CARICOM Electoral Observer Mission (CEOM) is scheduled to depart Suriname on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 after having spent a full two weeks in Suriname observing, not only the Election Day activities of 25th May, but also the Pre and Post-Election Day phases.
On the eve of its departure from Suriname, the CEOM is pleased to be able to report that its observations and experiences over the past two weeks confirmed that – up to this point in time – Suriname has successfully staged a free, fair, transparent, and credible Election.
The CEOM urges all of the entities that are now currently engaged in completing the few outstanding tabulations of votes to commit themselves to concluding this process efficiently and speedily.

The CEOM made it a point of duty to meet with and to listen carefully to virtually all of the entities that were involved in the Electoral process, and in particular, to the many Opposition political parties, the Anti-Fraud Platform, the group of local election observers drawn from the Private Sector, and the Inter Religious Council of Suriname.
The members of the CEOM took very careful note of the concerns and reservations that were expressed – inclusive of concerns pertaining to possible electoral fraud – and resolved to carefully scrutinize the Electoral process for any evidence that would substantiate such concerns and reservations.
Now, after an extensive period of scrutiny, the members of CEOM are pleased to be able to report that, in spite of some administrative and logistical glitches and some COVID-19 related delays, we concluded that we saw and experienced no evidence of fraud in the Elections.
Furthermore, the CEOM determined that Suriname’s Electoral system is fundamentally sound, and that there are many checks and balances built into the system.
The CEOM was also impressed with the transparency that characterises the Electoral system, and the fact that at every stage of the process, representatives of the political parties are permitted to be present to scrutinize the proceedings.
The CEOM congratulates the people of Suriname for the manner in which they conducted themselves in expressing their democratic rights, especially in a very challenging COVID-19 environment.
1 June, 2020