Caribbean Airlines Aircraft Sanitisation

Trinidad and Tobago, May 05, 2020 (Caribbean Tourism Organisation) Caribbean Airlines has released a new video highlighting the sanitization processes used on its aircraft. Please click link
The airline advises that its aircraft cabins are cleaned above international standards and the chemicals used meet the requirements of the World Health Organization, the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control as effective for use against viruses including COVID-19.
Caribbean Airlines CEO, Garvin Medera stated: “The COVID-19 Pandemic has meant that we’ve had to make changes to our operations and in-flight service because nothing is more important than the security, safety and comfort of our employees and customers.
We assure you that Caribbean Airlines’ aircraft are sanitized above International standards. We monitor the air quality in the cabins and our Boeing 737 jet fleet is equipped with state-of-the-art high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters that capture 99.97 percent of particles. High contact surfaces such as tray tables, seatbelts and armrests are cleaned before every flight and at every station using internationally approved cleaners.”
The airline confirms that social distancing is in place on its domestic operations and once international service resumes, social distancing will be practiced at check-in, on board and other areas.
Caribbean Airlines has also indicated that passenger loads will be limited and its crews will operate in full compliance with the instructions of the Public Health and other authorities in the jurisdictions in which the airline operates.