BVI Minister of Health stresses safety as BVI businesses re-open

Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Carvin Malone stressed the importance of safety as businesses re-open.
The Deputy Premier expressed his sentiments during remarks made at the contract signing for repair works to the Flax Administration Building on Virgin Gorda, which took place on Friday, May 1. The Health Minister also confirmed that the nine (9) pending samples sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) tested negative for the COVID-19 virus.
“It would be remiss of me if I do not spread the good news as it speaks of the good work that has been done; but it is important for us to continue to adhere to the safety protocols that the Government has been working hard in determining,” he said.
He also highlighted the importance of implementing the new safety protocols under the revised Recovery to Development Plan with haste saying,
“We have to make sure that we put people back to work so that families can be supported [and] projects can be completed so when we open up the economy on a wider scale, we can safely re-integrate people into society. Safety is the key factor involved here; as we are seeking accommodations so that when persons [return], they can be quarantined in a manner that would not retard all the works that we have done.”
Compliance Teams and the Social Distancing Task Force continue to inspect and certify private businesses, establishments and the public service to ensure social distancing and sanitisation protocols are met prior to re-opening. To date, 431 businesses and establishments have been inspected.