More than half of the infected persons recover

Ministry of Health – The number of persons in St. Kitts and Nevis who has officially recovered from COVID-19 has surpassed the number of persons infected with the coronavirus.
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Hazel Laws shared the news at the National Emergency Operations Centre COVID-19 Daily Briefing on May 01, 2020.
“This afternoon, I want to confirm that eight of the confirmed cases have recovered,” Dr Laws stated.
The remaining seven persons with the coronavirus are in strict isolation.
Medical Chief of Staff of the Joseph N. France General Hospital, Dr Cameron Wilkinson, explained that the recovered patients were carefully monitored for 14 days after showing no symptoms of the virus. They were also tested on two separate occasions for COVID-19, and the results returned were negative.
Dr Wilkinson said that the recovered persons “are free to go to the supermarket, to the hairdresser and to return to work. There should be no reason to stop them,” he added.
The medical chief of staff strongly urged persons not to stigmatize the recovered individuals in anyway as they pose no risk to public health.
There have been no deaths and no hospitalizations related to the coronavirus in St. Kitts and Nevis.