Emergency Powers (COVID-19) (No. 3) Regulations

In exercise of the powers conferred under section 4 of the Emergency Powers Act, Chapter 88 for the purposes of Section 17 of the Constitution, the Cabinet of Grenada makes the following regulations – –(Gazetted 6th April, 2020).
1. Citation and duration.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the EMERGENCY POWERS (COVID-19) (NO. 3) REGULATIONS, 2020.(2) These Regulations shall come into force on the 6th day of April, 2020.
2. Restriction on freedom of movement.—(1) A curfew is imposed beginning from 12 noon on the 6th day of April, 2020 and ending at 7:00 a.m. on the 20th day of April, 2020 and during this period every person shall remain confined to their place of residence (inclusive of their yard space) to avoid contact outside of their household, except as provided in these Regulations or as may be authorised in writing by the Commissioner of Police acting on the direction of the Cabinet.
(2) Every person shall take reasonable steps to ensure that, whenever he is outside of his place of residence, he wears a mask or suitable covering over his nose and mouth.
(3) These Regulations shall not apply in the case of a medical emergency.
3. Work remotely from home.—(1) All businesses and offices may continue their business operations by allowing their employees to work remotely from home utilising virtual means, unless they are permitted to work under regulation 5 or are designated as being essential workers under regulation 7.
(2) Where a business is unable to continue its business operations by its employees working remotely from home, the business shall cease its operations.
4. Public Service, Statutory Bodies, State-owned Enterprises and Courts.—(1) Subject to subregulation (2), all members of the public service shall work remotely from home, except as otherwise directed by the Secretary to the Cabinet.
Read full regulations below: