St.Kitts And Nevis Dirctor Of Agriculture Gives Forecast Of Crops For April

(April 07, 2020, St. Kitts and Nevis Information Service Press Release): Given that food security is critical, especially at a time of national crisis, such as the COVID-19 Pandemic, which has seen a reduction in crop production worldwide, Director of Agriculture in St. Kitts, Melvin James, has given the forecast for crops such as tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, carrots and sweet potatoes in the harvesting period of April.
Speaking at the NEOC COVID-19 Daily Briefing at NEMA Headquarters on April 6, Director James said, “our forecast indicates that we have some 5,000lbs of potatoes, 7,000lbs of pumpkins, 135,000lbs of onions, carrots in relative abundance supply of 15,000lbs and 109,000lbs of sweet potatoes.”
Mr. James said that the Department of Agriculture is continuing to engage the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis to see how best the farmers and the residents of St. Kitts and Nevis can triumph at this difficult time.