How a Rastafarian village gave Hollywood Peter Pan

(BBC) A crater-pocked road leading to a cluster of simple plywood homes ringed with vegetable fields might seem unlikely territory to find a Hollywood movie star.
But when New York director Benh Zeitlin was on the hunt for a child to play a wild-eyed Peter Pan in his new movie, Wendy, this tiny Rastafarian village in Antigua is where his search bore fruit.
Not only has the Searchlight Pictures production propelled 10-year-old Yashua Mack into the limelight, it has taken this most private community along for the ride.

‘Exciting moment’
For almost four decades, the village’s two dozen followers of the Nyabinghi order, the oldest of all the Rastafarian subgroups, have lived largely shielded from society in the Caribbean island.
Read more a: BBC