Commonwealth Secretary-General to attend CARICOM summit

(Commonwealth Secretariat Press Release) The Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland will reassure Caribbean leaders that the Commonwealth will keep fighting for bold climate action on the global stage.
She will attend the inter-sessional conference of heads of government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in Barbados next week as a special guest. Of 15 CARICOM members, 12 are in the Commonwealth.
Climate action
Secretary-General Patricia Scotland will highlight that despite ambitious pledges, countries are receiving limited funds to improve response to climate change. She will also focus on how the climate crisis is destabilising economic growth leading to food insecurity, stressed resources and impaired livelihoods across the Commonwealth.
As of February 2019, less than a quarter of the $26 billion deposited for climate action has been disbursed, according to Climate Funds Update.
Commonwealth initiatives
Patricia Scotland will brief Caribbean leaders on the current Commonwealth initiatives helping the region tackle the effects of climate change and external shocks such as disasters and financial crises.
Read more at: Commonwealth Secretariat