ICT Association of Suriname aims to become core of digital economy

Anuskha Sonai (CEO of Spang Makandra) has been elected as the new chair of the ICT Association of Suriname. The ICT Association is the IT industry’s leading voice, providing industry expertise, networking opportunities and a platform for collaboration to member companies, policymakers, and the general public.
In a comment on her appointment, the Chair said that the ICT Association had worked hard” to raise awareness about the potential of the IT sector, the importance of a national IT policy plan and the need to collaborate”. She signalled her commitment to continue the process, which she described as” necessary”, in the coming years
“In our association’s programme, the emphasis is on the themes that are directly relevant to the commercial success of our members. We want to involve our members directly in the development of our association program, with which we increase the member participation. As an association, we are working on our ambition to become “the core of the digital economy, Ms. Sonai also said.
Read more: Press Release New Board ICT Association (00000003).pdfICT