Measures In Place To Reduce Disaster Risks

(Barbados Government Information Service) Government is continuing its efforts to reduce Barbados’ risks to natural disasters, and increase the island’s resilience.
Minister of Home Affairs (of Barbados), Edmund Hinkson, highlighted this fact as he outlined a number of measures being undertaken by government to increase Barbados’ resilience to natural disasters.
He was at the time speaking during a partnership event hosted by the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) at its Resilience Way, Lower Estate, St Michael headquarters yesterday.
Mr. Hinkson pointed out that small island developing states had reached the stage where they needed to invest more in risk reduction in order to reduce the risk of adverse impacts on their economies and infrastructure.
“We, in Barbados, are establishing risk maps for high risk areas. We have increased the organi’sation of information campaigns to raise awareness among our populations, especially in terms of our most vulnerable, our elderly, our people with disabilities, [and] single women with many children. We have set up early warning systems, and we have implemented targeted public infrastructure projects,” he said.
Read more at: Barbados Government Information Service