Towards a New Development Vision for the Region – CARICOM Trader Magazine

The issue of economic development is not new to the regional agenda, as it has been addressed in various Organs of the Caribbean Community. In 2007, the Conference of Heads of Government adopted a paper entitled “A Framework for Regional Growth and Development in CARICOM”, which set out technical analyses to support the achievement of the CARICOM Single Development Vision (SDV).
This Vision had as its priority objective that of achieving spatially equitable, self-sustaining economic growth based on strong international competitiveness, innovation, productivity and flexibility in the use of resources. The initiatives identified in the SDV included a focus on a “Caribbean Sea Economy”, which would involve the widening of the Caribbean Economy beyond CARICOM to include the Dominican Republic, the Dutch and French islands and French Guiana. It also emphasized the need for both public and private sector investment and macro-economic stability.
Read more: Third Issue of The CARICOM Trader Magazine – Final