Youth Entrepreneurship Focus at CARICOM-Led Workshop in SVG

We are happy it’s the beginning of a new week and to kick things off we take you back to an entrepreneurship workshop that was recently hosted by CARICOM in six of our Member States. In this video, we highlight one of the workshops that was held in St. VIncent and the Grenadine. It was implemented under a second phase of the Creativity for Employment and Business Opportunity (CEBO) project. Youngsters who participated were taught how they can open businesses in theory as well as in very practical ways.
The objective was to engage, inspire and create entrepreneurial interest and action among young CARICOM nationals. It targeted those who were both in and out of school and from all walks of life, as a means of countering youth unemployment, mitigating drug abuse, crime and violence, and fostering economic resilience.
Under this phase of the project, workshops were also implemented in Barbados, Belize, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. An added component of the project was the inclusion of training for deportees as a means of reducing recidivism, assisting with re-integration into society and reducing criminal activity.
The CARICOM Secretariat has worked in collaboration with Member States and development partners to implement the CEBO Programme since the project was first piloted in 2012. The Governments of Italy, Japan and Spain, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have provided support for the Programme.
Assistance for this phase of the project was given by the European Union via funding through the 10th Economic Development Fund (EDF).