Prime Minister Mottley: Let Us Talk!

(Barbados Government Information Service) Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley is leading the charge in dialogue to see how Barbados and its regional counterparts can protect their economies in the face of climate change.

And, she is also calling on regional governments to shape their future in conjunction with their partners, as they seek out affordable insurance to sustain economies in the face of greater threats from hurricanes and other climate events.

The Prime Minister made these statements as she addressed the opening ceremony for an Insurance Colloquium under the theme ‘Insurance in the Age of Climate Change’, at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, on Tuesday.

“For us and other countries to the south of us, it is not just about hurricanes, it is about floods. And therefore, how we choose to measure how to protect ourselves is absolutely critical and important. There are countries in the region whose leaders are complaining that the cost of insurance in some instances, particularly those in the hotel sector, may be as much as 15 to 20 per cent on returning costs of those companies. That is unsustainable. The conversation must start,” she stated, noting that the under- insured and uninsured were too visible in the region.

Read more at: Barbados Government Information Service 


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