CARICOM, GPL join Guyana Solar Challenge

Solar Head of State (SHOS) and the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) are pleased to announce the new partnership with Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC), Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN), CARICOM, Guyana Power and Light (GPL), MPC Capital, Guyana Ministry of Environment, Public Service International (PSI), and Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) for the Guyana Solar Challenge – a national competition to engage and educate youth nationwide about the benefits of renewable energy.
The Guyana Solar Challenge is open to young people between 12 and 26 years of age. Competitors are asked to harness their creative energies (in a form such as a song/video, art installation, performance piece, viral meme, sculpture) towards raising awareness about renewable energy, specifically its potential to deliver long-term economic benefits, reduce harmful environmental impacts, and increase energy security and independence for Guyana. Winning projects will demonstrate creativity and an ability to educate the public about the specific benefits of solar energy for Guyana.
Winning projects will receive the following prizes: the first prize – G$100,000; the second prize – G$60,000; the third prize – G$40,000, and the fourth prize -a G$15,000 voucher. The deadline to submit entries for the Guyana Solar Challenge is 31 October, 2019.
Through its Energy Programme, CARICOM aims at creating climate change resiliency through sustainability development and energy supply in the Caribbean. CARICOM focuses on identifying funding gaps and potential solutions, building capacity and research, developing information and knowledge management, and promoting and providing regulatory solutions that support sustainable energy solutions in the Caribbean.
GPL is the largest supplier of electricity in Guyana. Providing electricity through generation, transmission and distribution along the coastal plain of Guyana. GPL has recently completed the development of 3MW Solar P Farm.
MPC Capital is an international real estate investment management firm focusing on real estate, infrastructure and shipping. MPC Capital is committed to investing in projects that deliver positive impact on the environment and communities in which they invest.
Guyana Ministry of Environment is responsible for leading the transformation of Guyana into a green state and ensuring environmental management and compliance across the country.
PSI is a global trade union federation that works with the United Nations system and in partnership with labour, civil society and other organisations.
CYEN is a non-profit that focuses its resources on empowering young people and their communities to develop programs to address socio-economic and environmental issues. It is dedicated to developing strategies to engage and facilitate youth participation in the development process.
CYC represents 1.2 Billion young people of the Commonwealth. It is the largest and most diverse youth-led organization in the world. CYC plays an integral role in advancing the youth development agenda and co-ordination of activities and policies of the Commonwealth youth. The council represents the voice of young people within 52 Commonwealth nations.
For more information please see:
Contact information:
SHOS: James Ellsmoor (Director),
+1 919 338 4564 (WhatsApp only)
CYEN: Kiefer Jackson (Guyana National Coordinator),
+1 (592) 625 3411
CARICOM: Nadia Mohammed (Project Officer, Energy),
+ 1 868 479 4219
GPL: Shevion Sears-Murray (Public Relations Officer),
+ 592 600 6046