Belize impressive tourism growth continues – CARICOM Business Vol 2 No 37

Featured story from CARICOM Business newsletter:
“Belize continues to record impressive tourism growth with visitor arrivals increasing by 110% over the last decade moving from 232,249 in 2009 to 489,261 in 2018. This growth trend continues in 2019 with visitor arrivals for January to June being recorded at 284,576, a 6% increase over the first half of 2018. Belize also welcomed 697,767 cruise ship passengers, which represents a 10.8% increase in cruise ship visits compared to the first half of 2018. The majority of visitors to Belize originate from the United States (66.65%), Europe (11.8%) and Canada (7.6%).”
Read the full newsletter – CARICOM Business
Caricom Business September 13, 2019_Vol-2No_37